Fill the form to purchase
In order to offer you a quality product and a good delivery experience, we implemented this temporary measure, to ensure that we can keep a personal interaction with you.
So what does that mean for you?
If you're interested in buying any product, please, fill the form below instead of following the "add to cart" option on each product. Once you've sent us the information, we will contact you to give you all the information and payment method through the e-mail you provide us.
We want to emphazise that this is just a temporary measure, because of some little concerns we've had in the freight of the products which we're working on solving.
To keep offering you quality and not stoping our service, we've implemented this form that it's completely safe, we will be with you trough the entire process.
Have any doubts?
Please feel free to contact us and we will reply as soon as possible.